Click here to go to current list of files linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Click below for Emotional Freedom File Descriptions
| A-F | G-O | P-Z |

Gastrointestinal Issues, Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea
Use this file to help deal with any gastrointestinal (digestive) issues you may have.

Get Things Done, Increase Focus and Life Transformations
Is multi-tasking a problem? Do you need to get increased focus on tasks at hand? Do you need to make some major changes in your life? Use this file to help keep you focused on tasks at hand and find your way through life changes.

Grass is Greener, Aging and Life
Use this file for help with aging issues, longing for things to be different and general life issues.

Grief, Dying and Acceptance
This file is for helping people in times when they are touched by death, as well as helping those who are in the transitional stage of death. It also deals with acceptance of life and death, as well as acceptance of people, things, changes, etc., in life.

Growths and Tumors
This file is for helping clear issues causing growths and tumors.

Head, Neck and Brain
This file is for helping deal with issues in the head, neck and brain.

This file can be helpful in clearing all types of headaches.

Health and Wellness
This file is to affirm your health and wellness. Use it to help attract health and wellness, as well as to maintain health and wellness.

Heart, Cardiovascular, Circulatory and Blood Disorders
This file can be helpful in dealing with anything relating to heart, circulation and blood.

This file works with the emotional undertones and issues associated with herpes to help clear outbreaks.

Hiatus Hernia, Acid Reflux Disease and Heartburn
This file addresses dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal (digestive) tract.

Holidays, Vacations and Stressful Times
This file is to help ease the stresses of vacations, holidays, family gatherings, and other stressful times.

This file addresses hypersensitivities, including your environment, emotions, etc. If you have to limit your exposure to certain things because you begin to feel ill or "yucky" with too much exposure, use this file.

Examples for focusing the file on a specific sensitivity, say:
"Hypersensitivity" "rap music"
"Hypersensitivity" "diesel exhaust"
"Hypersensitivity" "mixing proteins" (bacon and eggs)
"Hypersensitivity" "work environment"
"Hypersensitivity" "Uncle Fred grates on me"

Regardless of how many hypersensitivities you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and, you can do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

I Am…
This file is purely positive. It reinforces positive things that you are. (Examples from the file: "I am love." "I am light." "I am significant." "I am included.") A good file to run at the end of every session.

I Feel…
This file is purely positive and uplifting. It helps to bring to you good and positive feelings (Examples from the file: "I feel good." "I feel wonderful." "I feel joy." "I feel peace." “I feel relaxed." "I feel healthy.") A good file to run at the end of every session.

I Love…
This file is chock-full of “I Love…” affirmations. (Examples from the file: “I love my life.” “I love my body.” “I love where my life is taking me.”) When you need to feel loved or need to give love, this file can be very helpful. Love is the ultimate positive, so when you are feeling down, disconnected, or any kind of negativity, you may find this file to be very soothing, calming, relaxing and uplifting.

Immune System
This file is to help address imbalances in the immune system. You may want to run this file after visiting sick people, or especially after you spend time (30 minutes) at the hospital or in a courthouse.

Improving Writing, Typing, Sales, Sports and Other Skills
This file was originally created to help improve typing speed and accuracy, but has grown to include enhancing skills needed for sales, sports, anything you wish to improve performance and become more accomplished at.

Increasing Energy Flow
This file is to help increase energy flow in general or to a specific area. Itching, numbness or decreased temperature in an area, may mean that your body has withdrawn energy from there.

Information Overload, Decision Making and Improving Insight
This file is to help you get a handle on things when there is too much to do, help you prioritize your work, make decisions and improve your insight into problems and dilemmas.

Inner Child
This file is used to help in healing the inner child. It addresses emotions relating to situations a child encounters from the time of conception through to the teen years (and some beyond). It can be a very calming and relaxing file. A good file to run at the end of every session.

Inner Light
This file is purely positive. It is designed to give peace of mind, relaxation and security with yourself, and to help you see your inner light and show it to those around you. This file can have a profoundly calming and relaxing effect. A good file to run at the end of every session.

Insomnia, Snoring and Other Sleep Disorders
This file is to help clear the thoughts and different issues that prevent quality sleep, including sleep onset, sleep interruption and shortened sleep cycle. When run other than at the time you intend to sleep, any parts of the file that bring on sleep are delayed until you are ready to sleep.

Inspiration for Levity, Humor and Lighthearted Fun
Feeling down, stressed, need a break? Use this file to help release all the worries of the day and bring on a lighthearted feeling of enjoyment. This is a fun file to run all by itself.  Try it and see what happens!

Irritable Bowel, Inflammatory Bowel, Crohn’s & Other Bowel Problems
This file is for helping deal with colon and bowel problems.

Jealousy, Insecurity, Rejection and Feeling Unloved
This file is to help release the negative emotions listed, as well as other similar emotions.

Joy, Love, Gratitude, Appreciation, Friendship and Peace
This purely positive file has only warm positive affirmations to bring a sense of peace and love.

Labor and Delivery
This file is to help make labor and delivery easier to deal with (for both mother and baby). It may help with adults who have emotional issues stretching back to birth as well. Also may be useful for the father-to-be and other family members.

Lactation Issues, Parent and Child Relationships
This file is to help with nursing and nurturing problems. May be useful for men who did not have a good nurturing relationship as a child with their mothers, or who do not have a good nurturing relationship with their children.

Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas and Spleen
This file is for helping release emotions causing problems with these and associated organs.

Lost, Forgotten, Need to Remember and How to Find
This file is to help find things you’ve lost, say:
"Lost" "my keys"
"Lost" "my old friend, John"
"Lost" "which way do I turn"

Remember things you have forgotten, say:
"Forgotten" "what’s their name"
"Forgotten" "the title of that book I read last week"
"Forgotten" "that actor’s real name and stage name"
"Forgotten" "the instructions for that assignment the teacher gave me"

Help you remember things you are learning and special events, say:
"Need to Remember" "my wife’s birthday" (celebration days)
"Need to Remember" "equations I’m studying" (help you remember things you are learning)
"Need to Remember" "party at Mom’s on Saturday, get ready at 5:00 pm & party at 6:00 pm"

And, when you don’t know how to find who or what you need, utilize this file, say:
"How to Find" "the ideal dress"
"How to Find" "Grandma’s broach"
"How to Find" "like-minded people"
"How to Find" "a great new salesperson to market my wares"

Utilizing any and/or all of the parts of this file counts as one (1) file, and, regardless of how many things you do with this file at one time, it all counts as one (1) file and, you can do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

Note: This file is excellent to call when you are looking for the right remedy or correct technique or whatever needs to be done to get better.Sometimes it gets you the required therapy, remedy, or whatever......Has worked that way for many!!!

Love Relationships, Intimacy and Honesty
This file is to help enhance your current love relationship, open you up to and help you find a new love relationship, and/or release and recover from lost love relationships. It also is to help with intimacy issues and to keep the relationship open and honest.

Medical Buy-In, External Influences and Limiting Views
This file is to help you release supporting beliefs (buy-in beliefs) that you accept from an external source, like the medical society. Examples: They say: "Your future looks grim." "You’ll never walk again." "You can’t beat them; they are the champions." "The planets are against you."

Medical Interference
This file is to help release anger, frustration and other emotions related to interference felt from the medical society, helping allow you to release them from your experience.

Medical Trauma and Invasion
This file is to help release emotions relating to the medical community and anything you or your body has seen as a trauma from them or invasion by them (surgeries, shots, and/or activity restrictions, etc.).

Menstrual Cramps, PMS, Female Issues and Menopause
This file is to help with all kinds of female issues, including diseases of the sexual organs, breast, hormone issues, etc.

Mental Illness, Psychological Problems and Disturbances
This file is to help with psychological and mental problems and disturbances.

Metabolism Issues, Water, Mineral and Nutrient Utilization
This file is to help remove energy blocks preventing healthy metabolism, and utilization of water, minerals and nutrients.

Miscellaneous Annoyances
This file it to help clear all kinds of miscellaneous annoyances, such as minor itches, twitches, hiccups, uncontrolled burping, flatus (gas), irritating habits of others (help make it so that they don’t bother you anymore), etc.

Molds, Yeasts, Viruses, Parasites and Other Organisms
This file is to help release and clear the things listed.

Morning Sickness, Pregnancy, Infertility and Miscarriages
This file is to help with these issues, releasing emotions that can cause the problems.

MS, Seizures, Neurological & Neuromuscular Disorders
This file is to help with these issues, releasing emotions that can cause the problems.

Muscles, Cramps and Musculoskeletal Issues
This file is to help release emotions and energy blocks causing muscular problems, cramping and musculoskeletal issues.

My Core, My Journey, My Destiny, My Protection and Me
This file is to help connect you with your core, find proper direction in your journey through life, align you with your destiny, set up protection you need, release protection you do not need, and just be you.

My Own File ____________
This file opens up the ability for you to create your own Emotional Freedom files and quickly and easily run them through the Emotional Freedom vial. You can also put standard files linked to the Emotional Freedom vial into your own files (see samples below). Up to 25 files from the Emotional Freedom File List can be added to any one of your own files called by "My Own File."

To run your own files through the Emotional Freedom vial with this file:

1. Create and name a file with affirmations and/or up to 25 file names from the Emotional Freedom Files List you wish to run through the EF vial.

2. Save that file either on a computer or on paper with the name you have chosen.

3. Call your file with this file.

For example, say:
"My Own File" "Health Issues" (where “Health Issues” is the name of a file you have created)

Each file you call with "My Own File_______" counts as 1 (one) EF file. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

Or you can say up to 4 (four) of your own files utilizing this file, before "running" the vial.

For example, say:
"My Own File" "Health Issues" (where “Health Issues” is the name of a file you have created)
"My Own File" "Childhood Traumas" (where “Childhood Traumas” is the name of a file you have created)
"My Own File" "Sisters" (where “Sisters” is the name of a file you have created)
"My Own File" "Work" (where “Work” is the name of a file you have created)
(Run vial)

"My Own File" "Sexual Difficulties" (where “Sexual Difficulties” is the name of a file you have created)
"My Own File" "Privacy Issues" (where “Privacy Issues” is the name of a file you have created)
"My Own File" "Possessive Nature" (where “Possessive Nature” is the name of a file you have created)
(Run vial or say up to 1 [one] more file, then Run vial)

In the above example 7 (seven) files were run. After saying 4 (four) files, the vial was run, then 3 (three) more files were said and then the vial was run.

Click here for list of some sample My Own Files.

Negative Emotional Button Deactivation
Negative emotional buttons are emotionally charged triggers that exist within you. A trigger is an act that sets in motion some course of events. Each button, each trigger is linked to a memory of an unresolved matter, which might be a: fuss, unmet need, disagreement, miscommunication, argument, conflict, rejection, contention, difficulty, resentment, quarrel, hurt, fear, anger, feud, etc., usually related to what our emotional truth was at a younger age. This file is to help deactivate these negative emotional buttons and release the negative reactionary effect and emotions.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
This file is to help with this issue and other similar problems, including excessive worry and concerns, or excess with anything.

One with Myself
This file is to help stop the war within; the war between the conscious and subconscious minds. It is to help you align your conscious thoughts and goals with your Inner Being.

Click here to go to current list of files linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Click below for Emotional Freedom File Descriptions
| A-F | G-O | P-Z |

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.